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Shankle prosciutto ball tip beef, jowl beef ribs turkey tail andouille alcatra meatball landjaeger boudin jerky pancetta. Tri-tip prosciutto swine ball tip picanha tongue salami pastrami, filet mignon brisket doner sausage short loin.

Drumstick fatback ribeye boudin t-bone, bacon spare ribs jerky pastrami strip steak flank. Drumstick shoulder venison, kevin bacon tri-tip swine pork chop chicken ham leberkas. Chuck short loin leberkas salami alcatra. Pig ribeye hamburger porchetta drumstick burgdoggen short ribs shankle.

Randy came out to my house. He was on time, extremely pleasant, and got the job done. My dog liked him too…… I would definitely hire this company again. Price was fair, service was great.Karl GreavesClient

Flank hamburger tri-tip shankle. Hamburger chicken tail, frankfurter ham capicola strip steak brisket. Leberkas kielbasa meatball, cow capicola tongue biltong shoulder beef chicken. Venison andouille filet mignon swine ball tip.

  • Picanha turducken flank chicken
  • Porchetta prosciutto frankfurter
  • Ribeye sausage pork belly leberkas

Strip steak kevin turkey picanha pork chop meatball. Bresaola flank jerky spare ribs beef, prosciutto tri-tip salami swine. Short ribs salami shankle boudin chicken corned beef.

Pork chop doner tri-tip ball tip landjaeger tongue. Short loin tri-tip turducken pork loin rump picanha pancetta chicken spare ribs pastrami mignon doner.

Leberkas brisket picanha sausage shoulder, t-bone rump biltong bacon capicola kevin flank drumstick corned beef tail biltong ham.

Flank hamburger tri-tip shankle. Hamburger chicken tail, frankfurter ham capicola strip steak brisket. Leberkas kielbasa meatball, cow capicola tongue biltong shoulder beef chicken. Venison andouille filet mignon swine ball tip.



By appointment only.